General questions

The place is 10.1 km. away from Jorhat Airport, 3.3 km. away from Jorhat Railway Station, and 12.9 km. away from Kakojan Bus Stand. We will be able to help you with more information on the location and how to get here once you have booked.

Yes – you can drive all the way up to the entrance.

Yes – secured parking is available for 3 cars.

Yes – the place is suitable for senior citizens. However, this is not a wheelchair-friendly property

The place can be booked as an entire unit for 9 guests, with each room hosting 2 adults and 1 child below the age of 5.

This is NOT a pet-friendly property

Other questions

This is NOT a pet-friendly property

In case of a power outage, the 35 KVA generator can support all appliances

Guests can stay connected with complimentary Wi-Fi. Network is subject to availability at any given time

The caretaker resides near the premises of the property and will be available till 11 PM for any assistance. Their details will be made available at the Reception on request.

Alcohol consumption is allowed in designated areas

Smoking is allowed in the exterior areas of the villa only

The Check-in time is 2 PM. The Check-out time is 11 AM.

Early check-in would be available depending on availability of rooms. Late checkout is available but is chargeable beyond 11:30 AM on a per/hour basis. 


2 No. Chengeli Gaon, Opposite of Pani Tanki, Jorhat, Assam 0 785010, 

call For Reservations


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